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 Этот файл имеет статус избранного изображения (Exzellente Bilder) в Википедии (немецкий раздел) и в настоящее время признан там одним из лучших изображений.
 Этот файл имеет статус избранного изображения (Seçkin resimler) в Википедии (турецкий раздел) и в настоящее время признан там одним из лучших изображений.

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English: Shows the Hall effect for different directions of electric current and magnetic field.


  1. Electrons (not conventional current!)
  2. Hall element, or Hall sensor
  3. Magnets
  4. Magnetic field
  5. Power source

In drawing "A", the Hall element takes on a negative charge at the top edge (symbolised by the blue color) and positive at the lower edge (red color). In "B" and "C", either the electric current or the magnetic field is reversed, causing the polarization to reverse. Reversing both current and magnetic field (drawing "D") causes the Hall element to again assume a negative charge at the upper edge.

Rendered using POV-Ray. The scene description "code" shown below supports rendering all of the four "situations" portrayed in the image - see the comment given in the code in the page discussion. The four images were subsequently combined, and the numbers and letters added, in a graphics software package.

Deutsch: Diese Grafik illustriert den Halleffekt unter verschiedenen Richtungen des Elektronenflusses/des Magnetfeldes.


  1. Elektronen
  2. Hallsensor/-element
  3. Magneten
  4. magnetisches Feld
  5. Spannungsquelle

In Abbildung A wird im oberen Bereich ein Elektronenüberschuss (durch die blaue Farbe symbolisiert), im unteren Bereich ein Elektronenmangel (rote Farbe) erzeugt. In den Abbildungen B und C ist der Elektronenfluss bzw. der Magnet in eine andere Richtung gebracht worden, weshalb die Polarisierung des Hallelementes umgekehrt ist.

Wird sowohl der Elektronenfluss als auch das magnetische Feld umgekehrt (Abbildung D), entsteht wie in Abbildung A ein Elektronenmangel im unteren Bereich.

Français : Effet Hall pour différents sens du courant et du champ magnétique.


  1. Électrons (et non le Sens conventionnel !)
  2. Élément ou Capteur à effet Hall
  3. Aimants
  4. Champ magnétique
  5. Source de courant

Dans le dessin A, une charge négative apparait à la bordure haute de l'élément (couleur bleue), et une charge positive à sa bordure basse (couleur rouge). En B et C, l'inversion du sens du courant ou de celui du champs magnétique provoque l'inversion de cette polarisation. En D, la double inversion du courant électrique et du champs magnétique donnent à l'élément la même polarisation qu'en A.

Dessins réalisés en utilisant le logiciel POV-Ray. Le code et des remarques complémentaires sont disponibles dans la discussion.
For more translations SEE BELOW
Источник Собственная работа
Автор Peo
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Picture of week on Czech Wikipedia
Čeština: Tento obrázek byl vybrán jako obrázek týdne na České Wikipedii pro 1. týden roku 2007.
Dansk: Dette billede har været valgt som ugens billede på den Tjekkiske Wikipedia i uge 1, 2007.
Deutsch: Dieses Bild wurde als Bild der Woche auf der tschechischen Wikipedia für die 1. Woche 2007 ausgewählt.
English: This image was selected as a picture of the week on the Czech Wikipedia for 1st week, 2007.
Français : Cette image est sélectionnée en tant qu’image de la semaine sur la Wikipédia Tchèque pour la 1e semaine de 2007.
Italiano: Questa immagine è stata selezionata come Immagine della settimana su Wikipedia in ceco per la I settimana del 2007.
Magyar: Ezt a képet 2007 1. hetében a hét képének választották a cseh Wikipédián.
Svenska: Denna bild valdes som veckans bildtjeckiskspråkiga Wikipedia för vecka 1, 2007.
Македонски: Сликава е избрана за слика на неделата на чешката Википедија за I недела од 2007 година.
Русский: Эта иллюстрация была выбрана изображением недели в чешском разделе «Википедии» для недели номер 1 2007 года.
Українська: Ця ілюстрація була вибрана зображенням тижня в чеському розділі «Вікіпедії» для тижня номер 1, 2007 року.
العربية : اُختيرت هذه الصُّورة لتكون صُورة الأسبوع في ويكيبيديا التشيكية في الأسبوع 1 في سنة 2007.
Picture of the week on the Czech Wikipedia

Rendered using POV-Ray (see http://www.povray.org). The scene description "code" shown below supports rendering all of the four "situations" portrayed in the image - see the comment given in the code. The four images were subsequently combined, and the numbers and letters added, in a graphics software package. POV-Ray "code" for rendering all four parts of the illustration:

 The Hall effect in metal under various circumstances
 Created by Søren Peo Pedersen - see my user page at
 #declare NorthAtLeft=no; // Orientation of magnetic field:
 // Use "yes" for north pole to the left, and south pole to the right
 // Use "no" for north pole to the right, and south pole to the left
 #declare PlusTowardsViewer=yes;  // Direction of current:
 // Use "yes" to have the positive pole at the ends of battery and Hall sensor nearest to viewer
 // Use "no" to have the negative pole at the ends of battery and Hall sensor nearest to viewer
 #declare PositiveCharge=no; // Polarity (color) of charge carriers in the circuit:
 // Use "yes" for orangeish colored charge carriers in wires and Hall sensor
 // Use "no" for light blue colored charge carriers in wires and Hall sensor
 #declare HallUpwards=yes; // Direction of sideways force upon charge carriers:
 // Use "yes" to have the charge carriers "bend upwards" inside Hall element
 // Use "no" to have the charge carriers "bend downwards" inside Hall element
 #declare NegativeEdgeUp=yes;  // Electrical polarization of Hall element (indicated by color):
 // Use "yes" to have bluish color at top of Hall element, indicating negative charge here
 // Use "no" to have reddish color at top of Hall element, indicating positive charge here
 #declare MagnetFont="arialbd.ttf" // Font for the "N" and "S" nomenclature on magnets
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #declare txtNeutralElement=texture {  // Texture for electrically neutral parts of Hall element
   pigment {color rgbft <.5,.5,.5,1,0>}
   finish {
     reflection rgb .5
     phong 1
 #declare txtNegativeElement=texture { // Texture for negatively charged parts of Hall element
   pigment {color rgbft <.1,.3,.9,1,0>}
   finish {
     reflection rgb <.1,.3,.9>
     phong 1
 #declare txtPositiveElement=texture { // Texture for positively charged parts of Hall element
   pigment {color rgbft <.9,.3,.1,1,0>}
   finish {
     reflection rgb <.9,.3,.1>
     phong 1
 #declare txtPolarisedElement=texture {  // Texture for polarized parts of the Hall element
   gradient y
   texture_map {
     [0 txtNegativeElement]
     [.5 txtNeutralElement]
     [1 txtPositiveElement]
   translate <0,-.5,0>
   #if (NegativeEdgeUp)
     rotate <180,0,0>
 #declare txtHallElement=texture { // Complete texture for the entire Hall element
   gradient z
   texture_map {
     [0 txtNeutralElement]
     [.5 txtPolarisedElement]
     [1 txtNeutralElement]
   translate <0,0,-.5>
   scale 4
 #declare WireTxt=texture {  // Texture for the wires connecting Hall element with power source
   pigment {color rgb .5}
   finish {
     reflection rgb .7
     phong 3
 #declare Qtorus=intersection{   // 1/4 of a torus, for rounded "corner" on the wiring
   torus {1,.06 rotate <0,0,90>}
   box {-2,<2,0,0>}    
 #declare PlusPgmt=pigment {   // Pigment for positive end of the battery (power source)
   object {
     merge {
       box {<-.3,0, .35>,<.3,1,.45>}
       box {<-.05,0, .1>,<.05,1,.7>}
     pigment {color rgb <1,0,0>}
     pigment {color rgb 1}
 #declare MinusPgmt=pigment {  // Pigment for negative end of the battery (power source)
   object {        
     box {<-.3,0,-.55>,<.3,1,-.45>}
     pigment {color rgb <0,0,1>}
     pigment {color rgb 1}
 #declare PowerSource=union {  // Power source, symbolised by a battery
   merge {
     torus {.45,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,-.95>}
     cylinder {<0,0,-.95>,<0,0,.8>,.5}
     torus {.45,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0, .8>}
     pigment {
       object {
         plane {<0,0,1>,0}
         pigment {PlusPgmt}
         pigment {MinusPgmt}
       rotate <0,0,-35>
     finish {ambient .4}
   merge {
     torus {.35,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,-.95>}
     cylinder {<0,0,-1>,<0,0,-.9>,.35}
     torus {.35,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,.8>}
     cylinder {<0,0,.85>,<0,0,.8>,.35}
     difference {
       cylinder {<0,0,.85>,<0,0,.9>,.15}
       torus {.15,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,.9>}
     cylinder {<0,0,.9>,<0,0,.95>,.1}
     torus {.05,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,.95>}
     cylinder {<0,0,.95>,<0,0,1>,.05}
     pigment {color rgb .5}
     finish {reflection rgb .9 phong 1 metallic}
 #macro txtChargeCarrier(Transparency) // Texture for charge carriers and their "motion blur tails"
 pigment {color rgbt <
   #if (PositiveCharge)
 finish {ambient .4}
 #declare FieldArrow=merge {   // Arrow indicating direction of magnetic field
   cylinder {<-2.5,0,0>,<2.3,0,0>,.003}
   cone {<2.3,0,0>,.05,<2.5,0,0>,0}
   pigment {color rgb 0}
   #if (NorthAtLeft)
   scale <-1,1,1>
 #declare StraightCharge=union {   // Charge carrier with straight "motion blur tail"
   sphere {0,.15 texture {txtChargeCarrier(0)}}
   cylinder {0,<0,0,.499>,.15 hollow
     texture {
       gradient z
       texture_map {
         [0 txtChargeCarrier(0)]
         [1 txtChargeCarrier(1)]
       scale .5
 #declare CurvedCharge=union {   // Charge carrier with curved "motion blur tail"
   sphere {<0,-1,0>,.15 texture {txtChargeCarrier(0)}}
   difference {
     torus {1,.15 rotate <0,0,90>}
     plane {<0,0,1>,0}
     plane {<0,0,-1>,0 rotate <-29.99,0,0>}
     texture {
       texture_map {
         [0 txtChargeCarrier(.3)]
         [1 txtChargeCarrier(1)]
       frequency 12
       rotate <0,0,90>
   // The scenario:  
   box {<-.16,-1,-2>,<.16,1,2>   // The hall element
     texture {txtHallElement}        
   merge { // Wiring with travelling charge carriers
     // Wiring on the side towards the viewer:
     cylinder {<0,0,-2>,<0,0,-3>,.06}
     #object {Qtorus rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,-1,-3>}
     cylinder {<0,-1,-4>,<0,-2,-4>,.06}
     #object {Qtorus translate <0,-2,-3>}
     cylinder {<0,-3,-3>,<0,-3,-1>,.06}
     // Wiring on the side facing away from the viewer:
     cylinder {<0,-3, 1>,<0,-3, 3>,.06}
     #object {Qtorus rotate <-90,0,0> translate <0,-2,3>}
     cylinder {<0,-1, 4>,<0,-2, 4>,.06}
     #object {Qtorus rotate <180,0,0> translate <0,-1,3>}
     cylinder {<0,0, 2>,<0,0, 3>,.06}
     texture {WireTxt}
   union { // Charge carriers:
     // Charge carriers on the side towards the viewer:
     #object {StraightCharge translate <0,-3,-2.7>}
     #object {CurvedCharge rotate <30,0,0> translate <0,-2,-3>}
     #object {CurvedCharge rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,-2,-3>}
     #object {StraightCharge rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,-1,-4>}
     #object {StraightCharge rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,-1,-4>}
     #object {CurvedCharge rotate <150,0,0> translate <0,-1,-3>}
     #object {StraightCharge rotate <180,0,0> translate <0,0,-2.5>}
     // Charge carriers inside Hall element:
     #if (HallUpwards)
       #object {CurvedCharge rotate <195,0,0> translate <0,-.3,0>}
       #object {CurvedCharge rotate <30,180,0> translate <0,1.15,-1.5>}
       #object {CurvedCharge rotate <0,180,0> translate <0,1.15,1.5>}
       #object {CurvedCharge rotate <210,0,0> translate <0,-1,-1.5>}
       #object {CurvedCharge rotate <15,180,0> translate <0,.3,0>}
       #object {CurvedCharge rotate <180,0,0> translate <0,-1,1.5>}
     // Charge carriers on the side facing away from the viewer:
     #object {StraightCharge rotate <180,0,0> translate <0,0,3>}
     #object {CurvedCharge rotate <270,0,0> translate <0,-1,3>}
     #object {StraightCharge rotate <270,0,0> translate <0,-2,4>}
     #object {CurvedCharge rotate <330,0,0> translate <0,-2,3>}
     #object {StraightCharge translate <0,-3,2.3>}
     #if (PlusTowardsViewer)
       scale <1,1,-1>
   #object {PowerSource  // The battery symbolising the power source of the circuit
       #if (PlusTowardsViewer) scale <1,1,-1> #end
       scale 2
       translate <0,-3,0>
   #union {    // Pair of magnets
     // The magnet at the left-hand side of the image:
     box {<-15,-1,-1>,<-3,1,1>
       pigment {
         object {
           text {ttf MagnetFont
             #if (NorthAtLeft) "N" #else "S" #end
             scale 2
             translate <-4.3,-.7,-1.5>
           #if (NorthAtLeft)
             color rgb <1,0,0>
             color rgb .85
             color rgb .85
             color rgb <1,0,0>
       finish {ambient .4}
     // The magnet at the right-hand side of the image:
     box {<3,-1,-1>,<15,1,1>
       pigment {
         object {
           text {ttf MagnetFont
             #if (NorthAtLeft) "S" #else "N" #end
             scale 2
             translate <3.2,-.7,-1.5>
           #if (NorthAtLeft)
             color rgb .85
             color rgb <1,0,0>
             color rgb <1,0,0>
             color rgb .85
       finish {ambient .4}
 // 4 x 4 arrows to indicate the direction of the magnetic field:
 #local Ktal=-.75;
 #while (Ktal<1)
   #local Rtal=-.75;
   #while (Rtal<1)
     #object {FieldArrow translate <0,Rtal,Ktal>}
     #local Rtal=Rtal+.5;
   #local Ktal=Ktal+.5;
 // Point of view:
 camera {
     location <4,3,-5>
     look_at <.8,-1.3,0>
 // Illumination:
 light_source {<20,10,-15> color rgb 1}
 light_source {<-10,20,10> color rgb 1}
 // Spotty surroundings outside viewfield to enhance reflective surfaces:
 #declare Spotty=pigment {
   color_map {
     [0 color rgb 0]
     [1 color rgb .8]
   scale .1
 sky_sphere {
   pigment {
     gradient z
     pigment_map {
       [0.00 Spotty]
       [0.88 Spotty]
       [0.88 color rgb 1]
       [1.00 color rgb 1]
     translate -.5
     scale 2
     rotate <35,-32,0>

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Hall effect for different directions of magnetic field and electric current.

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текущий03:00, 10 апреля 2005Миниатюра для версии от 03:00, 10 апреля 2005984 × 986 (401 КБ)Peo~commonswikiShows the Hall effect for different directions of electric current and magnetic field.

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