Зачем тебе нужна Википедия (часть 5): различия между версиями

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[[File:Wikimania 2016 - Press conference with Jimmy Wales and Katherine Maher 01 (cropped).jpg|thumb|right|300px|[[Джимми Уэйлс]]]]
[[Джимми Уэйлс]] ({{lang-en|Jimmy Wales}}, [[User:Jimbo Wales|Jimbo Wales]]),
{{oq|en|One thing I would say is that when we look at the state of the world today, it will come as no surprise to Russian Wikipedians and Russian readers of Wikinews that there is a lot of demonization of other cultures. Everything bad online these days is being blamed on "Russian trolls" and so forth. Well, leaving aside all the things that actually are going on in the world with state-level cyber activities, I think that Russian people - especially Russian geeks - are like people (and especially geeks) everywhere: we mostly want to share knowledge honestly, to understand the world, to try to make a better place for us all. And we're humans with foibles who make mistakes and errors from time to time. So for me, this is why I spend my time contributing to Wikipedia - it is a place where I feel it is possible to have hope for humanity in the future.}}